Dermaroller instructions

Use and care of your Dermaroller


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    Wash hands with soap and warm water. Wash the treatment area thoroughly, and dry with a clean towel. Be sure to clean a designated surface to place the things you'll need during the process.

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    Numb the area with a topical anesthetic gel before the procedure if you prefer. This is not necessary. Applying this gel will allow you to use more pressure with the micro-needle. Follow the instructions on the bottle and apply the gel to the affected area.

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    Roll the derma roller in different directions on the skin---four rolls vertically, horizontally and both diagonals should be sufficient to ensure desired results and stimulate collagen formation in the skin. Do not press too hard, but apply a significant amount of pressure.

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    Wash the area with cold water, and dry gently with a clean washcloth. Apply a quality moisturizer or lotion, preferably with vitamins C and E for best results.

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    After treatment, apply a sunscreen to the treated area to protect the skin from irritation and redness.


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    Pour rubbing alcohol into the Derma Roller storage container, submerging the roller head. Allow the rubbing alcohol to disinfect the roller and container for at least five minutes.

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    Dump the rubbing alcohol out of the Derma Roller storage container and run the container under hot water to remove leftover alcohol.

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    Fill up the bathroom sink with hot water. Add 1 tbsp. of bleach to the water. Place your Derma Roller on the bottom of the sink. Allow the roller to remain in the water for at least five minutes. Using bleach and hot water properly disinfects the roller.

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    Dry off the Derma Roller and the container. Place your disinfected Derma Roller back into the clean and dried holding container. Storing a wet roller in the container can lead to bacteria growth and possible skin infection.


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    Never share your Dermaroller with other people.

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    Do not use a dermaroller on areas of sunburn, open cuts or other sore and tender areas.

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    Do not use your dermaroller if you are suffering from active herpes outbreaks or any other inflamations of the skin.

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    We recommend that you consult a trained medical professional if you are in any doubts about the suitability or safety of using a Dermaroller.


Female skin (especially breast, abdomen and thighs) is very sensitive, more so than facial skin. These parts can visibly react very quickly to stimulation with micro needles. In some rare cases the skin can become inflamed and show red streaks, spots or fine blisters. This can last for several hours (in very rare cases, days) and can be painful.

If you over roll during your 1st use and you have experienced an over reaction you should seek the advice of your medical provider or a Dermatologist. Usually an anti-histamine cream will provide rapid relief.

If, after two weeks, your skin keeps over reacting after micro needling you should stop using these devices.